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By David P. Ellerman

This ebook argues that the lately deceased Capitalism-Socialism debate used to be wrong-headed from the start - like a 'debate' over inner most or public possession of slaves. The query used to be now not inner most or public slavery, yet slavery as opposed to self-ownership. equally, this ebook argues that the query isn't really no matter if humans will be deepest staff (capitalism) or public staff (socialism) yet even if humans may be employed or rented as staff in any respect as opposed to continuously being together self-employed as employee-owned businesses. Being a real paintings of political economic system, the publication re-examines the elemental rules of non-public estate and agreement to procure effects at odds with the employer-employee relation and in favour of common self-employment or financial democracy. Joint self-employment within the company is the industrial model of joint self-determination or political democracy in society. deepest estate can be in accordance with humans getting the culmination in their exertions, yet that basically occurs lower than joint self-employment. industry contracts may still purely follow to what should be transferred, yet a person's exertions seriously is not transferable (as we simply realize for employed criminals). This publication lines those rules - the exertions idea of estate and the proposal of inalienable rights - from old Stoics during the Reformation and Enlightenment, and restates the information in glossy phrases with serious purposes to fiscal thought.

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