Download E-books Red, Black, and Objective: Science, Sociology, and Anarchism PDF

By Sal Restivo

Drawing at the empirical findings generated through researchers in technological know-how experiences, and adopting Kropotkin's idea of anarchism as one of many social sciences, purple, Black, and goal expounds and develops an anarchist account of technology as a social building and social establishment. Restivo's account is instantly normative, analytical, organizational, and coverage orientated, particularly with admire to schooling. With recognition to the social practices and discourse of technology, this ebook engages with the works of Feyerabend and Nietzsche, in addition to philosophers and historians of objectivity to flooring an anarchistic sociology of technological know-how. Marx and Durkheim determine prominently during this account as precursors of the modern technology stories viewpoint at the perennial query, "What is science?" the result's an method of realizing the science-and-society nexus that's right now an extension of Restivo's past paintings and a unique model of the anarchist schedule. crimson, Black, and goal is an exploration by way of one of many founders of the technological know-how stories circulation of questions in idea, perform, values, and coverage. As such, it's going to entice people with pursuits in technological know-how and know-how stories, social concept, and sociology and philosophy of technological know-how and expertise.

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