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By John R. W. Stott, Lee Gatiss

The topic of toddler baptism is surely a fragile and tough one ... yet this must never make individuals of the Church of britain lower from protecting made up our minds reviews at the topic. That church has declared evidently in its Articles that 'the baptism of little ones is in any clever to be retained, as so much agreeable with the establishment of Christ.' To this opinion we'd like now not be afraid to adhere." J. C. Ryle This publication goals to aid Anglican Evangelicals recuperate that very same gracious but unashamed self assurance proven through Bishop Ryle within the 19th century. The authors guard biblically the doctrine of youngster baptism and its right evangelical perform in the Church of britain. They expound a covenantal figuring out which has impeccable evangelical credentials with the intention to reassure a brand new iteration of Anglican Evangelical 'paedobaptists' that theirs isn't any new or unusual doctrine, and to cajole those that would possibly not have totally preferred the Reformed history we within the Church of britain get pleasure from. Dr. John R. W. Stott CBE is Rector Emeritus of All Souls, Langham position in London and over the past 60 years has been the most influential leaders of evangelicalism around the globe. Dr. J. Alec Motyer is the previous imperative of Trinity university, Bristol, and was once for a few years incumbent of St. Luke's, West Hampstead and later minister of Christ Church, Westbourne Lee Gatiss is affiliate Minister of St. Helen's Bishopsgate and Editor of The Theologian (

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