Download E-books The Outer Planets and their Moons: Comparative Studies of the Outer Planets prior to the Exploration of the Saturn System by Cassini-Huygens (Space Sciences Series of ISSI) PDF

By T. Encrenaz (Editor), R. Kallenbach (Editor), T. Owen (Editor), C. Sotin (Editor)

Representatives of numerous medical groups, resembling planetary scientists, astronomers, house physicists, chemists and astrobiologists have met with the purpose to study the information on 4 significant issues: (1) the learn of the formation and evolution tactics of the outer planets and their satellites, starting with the formation of compounds and planetesimals within the sunlight nebula, and the following evolution of the interiors of the outer planets, (2) a comparative learn of the atmospheres of the outer planets and Titan, (3) the learn of the planetary magnetospheres and their interactions with the sunlight wind, and (4) the formation and homes of satellites and earrings, together with their interiors, surfaces, and their interplay with the sun wind and the magnetospheres of the outer planets. past those subject matters, the consequences for the prebiotic chemical evolution on Europa and Titan are reviewed. on the time of booklet, the research of the outer planets is especially inspired via the truth that the Saturn procedure is being investigated via the Cassini-Huygens project.

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