Download E-books Leibniz's Metaphysics: A Historical and Comparative Study (Studies in Intellectual History and the History of Philosophy) PDF

By Catherine Wilson

This examine of the metaphysics of G. W. Leibniz provides a transparent photo of his philosophical improvement in the normal scheme of seventeenth-century normal philosophy. Catherine Wilson examines the shifts in Leibniz's considering as he faced the main philosophical difficulties of his period. starting together with his curiosity in synthetic languages and calculi for evidence and discovery, the writer proceeds to an exam of Leibniz's early theories of topic and movement, to the phenomenalistic flip in his conception of substance and his next de-emphasis of logical determinism, and eventually to his doctrines of concord and optimization. particular realization is given to Leibniz's knowing of Descartes and his successors, Malebranche and Spinoza, and the English philosophers Newton, Cudworth, and Locke.

Wilson analyzes Leibniz's complicated reaction to the recent mechanical philosophy, his discontent with the rules on which it rested, and his go back to the earlier to find the assets for reconstructing it. She argues that the continuum-problem is the most important to an realizing not just of Leibniz's monadology but in addition of his perspectives at the substantiality of the self and the impossibility of exterior causal effect. a last bankruptcy considers the matter of Leibniz-reception within the post-Kantian period, and the trouble of coming to phrases with a metaphysics that isn't basically philosophically "critical" yet, even as, "compensatory."

Originally released in 1990.

The Princeton Legacy Library makes use of the most recent print-on-demand know-how to back make to be had formerly out-of-print books from the celebrated backlist of Princeton collage Press. those paperback variations protect the unique texts of those very important books whereas offering them in sturdy paperback variations. The target of the Princeton Legacy Library is to tremendously elevate entry to the wealthy scholarly background present in the hundreds of thousands of books released by means of Princeton collage Press on account that its founding in 1905.

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